


REporting Tips

Reports require accurate and hygienic data. Without this, reports would not reflect the organization’s work. Once you ensure your data is clean and ready, how can you best show results in reports? This resource focuses on three key areas to expand your reporting skills in Salesforce.

Data hygiene

Having ready-to-use data is critical for user adoption as well as effective reporting. No one likes to find out at the end of year-end appeal season that essential data was wrong or missing all along! Yet, it's challenging to keep your data clean and ready-to-go when you have so many other things on your plate.

Event Management Comparison tool

Today, there are more tools than ever to plan your nonprofit's event, sell and manage registration, organize attendees, and manage all the data in between. And with those tools comes a variety of features, fees, and learning curves. It can be challenging to know what's available and what's right for your organization, so Database Sherpa has created a comparison tool to show you many paths to happier event management.

Our event management tool comparison is a living Google document that is shared and owned by the online community. The tool compares various event management solutions by cost, payment integrations, and more.