Ashima Saigal named national Salesforce MVP salesforce-com, Women in TechnologyGuest UserAugust 28, 2014salesforce, salesforce foundation, salesforce mvpComment
Confidence: “It’s about being the little engine -- I think I can” database sherpa, Women in TechnologyAshima SaigalJuly 22, 2014compassion, confidence, failure, learning, meditation, mindfulness, self confidence, womenComment
Is the Lack of Women in STEM about Individual Choices? Women in TechnologyAshima SaigalJuly 6, 2014equality, gender, STEM, technologyComment
Reflections from Dreamforce: I've Got Confidence in Me! salesforce-com, Women in TechnologyAshima SaigalNovember 22, 2013dreamforce, learning, self confidence, technology, values, women Comment
What doesn't kill us... Women in TechnologyAshima SaigalMarch 13, 2013equality, friends, gender, glass ceiling, gratitude, wage parity Comments
Getting It personal, Women in TechnologyAshima SaigalFebruary 26, 2013business planning, compassion, friends, mentor Comments