Facing fear... fighting back
I have always been a very cautious and practical person. It's not my nature to run into things full bore without having a plan in place. I always looked at this as being fearful. Fear of failure. During yoga, I find myself coming back to that feeling. Fear of failure. So, I try that handstand, but I can't get up. It's not so much what others think of me, but what I think of myself. I can get into that self-loathing place quickly. That fear keeps me from trying or pushing myself forward.
Then, the question becomes: How can I ask my Sherpa clients to be fearless if I cannot do it myself? That's a really good question. What can I do to face my fears? Another good question. One way I have faced my fears is to fully embrace the Database Sherpa model, to the point of being a little nutty about it (if you meet me, be prepared to hear about it!). Another thing I've done is to hire a company -- DVQ Studio -- to help me brand and develop the model (more will be unveiled as it is developed). Finally, my good friend, Veronica Waters, is now an advisor to this work. So, I've put my reputation, money and friendship on the line.Why? Because, I'm not going to hide from my fear anymore, I'm facing it head on! Is the fear gone? No! I see it from time to time, visiting me again and again. I let it sit for a bit and then blow it away. Goodbye for now, I'm sure you'll be back!
This way of fighting back is a process, but one that will better equip me to help the Sherpa clients fight their fears. And it's already working on changing me and how I work with my Sherpa clients. The most current Sherpa project brought me to the place of learning about resources available to use after the project ends. This particular client was given specific work to accomplish using the Google Group, to find answers to very specific questions. They were tentative and fearful at first, but I explained that I only wanted them to look and find. So, with that knowledge, they faced their fear of the unknown.
After visiting the Google Group and finding the answers, they looked around further (you know how that happens when you are searching on the Internet). What they got was so much more than mere answers to questions (which had been my hope). At one point in our conversation one of them voiced, "I could even answer some questions." My immediate response was, "go ahead and respond next time; see what happens." She giggled with delight at that suggestion and said, "oh, now I get it - I can get involved and help too. They need me and my time as well." Now, she faced her fear, saw what she could do and now feels empowered to do something about it. WOW, that was pretty awesome.
With the support of my good friends at DVQ Studio and my special advisor, Veronica Waters, my confidence level has been given a boost and I feel like a better Sherpa.
Who knows what will come next?!
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